Your support is helping young people across the country

Thousands of young people in the UK face homelessness

Homelessness is a terrifying prospect for anyone, especially young people who should be receiving love and support from their families or carers. Youth homelessness includes anyone aged between 16 and 25 who can’t live in a permanent home with their parents or guardians or in suitable care and can’t acquire their own home, and while it’s important to help all people experiencing homelessness, young people are particularly vulnerable.

And the problem is only getting worse

In 2022-2023, 135,800 individuals aged 16-24 either experienced or were at risk of homelessness across the UK. Youth homelessness is primarily caused by challenges unique to young people in both societal and home environments, such as familial breakdown, financial difficulties, fleeing abuse or danger, or leaving the care system. Youth homelessness is increasing with homelessness charities seeing a record number of young people seeking their help since Christmas.

But the St Martin’s Charity community is stepping in…

Vicar's Relief Fund

Kerry works for St Basil’s in Warwickshire, a charity that supports young people aged 16-25 who are experiencing or at risk of homelessness. She works as a Progression Coordinator in the floating support team, which means that she supports young people to move onto their own independent tenancies. Kerry and her team often use grants from the Vicar’s Relief Fund (VRF) to access homes for the young people they work with. 

Caring in Bristol

Youth homelessness in Bristol is rising due to the compounding pressures of increasing rental prices, a lack of social housing provision and the cost-of-living crisis. That’s why through the Frontline Fund, St Martin-in-the-Fields Charity funds Project Z, Caring in Bristol’s service for people aged 16-25 who are experiencing multiple difficulties around their housing situation.

TGP Cymru

Team Around the Tenancy is for young people in Wales aged 16-25 who are experiencing difficulties with their home and/or don’t have a home. The service helps young people to overcome the difficulties they are experiencing and help them stay in their home and/or secure a place to call home. The service helps young people by building, maintaining and where necessary repairing relationships when it is needed. This also helps combat isolation and loneliness in the community.

Training Fund

Streetlife are a youth work charity based in Blackpool, who support young people in the region who are facing or experiencing homelessness. In recent years, they have experienced a considerable increase in the number of young people they’re seeing who are struggling with their mental health, and with increasingly complex needs. Rob Swarbrick, Day Centre Manager at Streetlife, talks about the impact that funded mental health training, paid for by St Martin’s Training Fund, for his team has had on the support they are able to provide for young people in Blackpool.

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