Praxis facilitates our Pan-London Migrant Frontline Network, bridging the gap across homelessness and migrant support sectors.

Praxis facilitates our Pan-London Migrant Frontline Network, bridging the gap across homelessness and migrant support sectors.
People who migrate are over-represented in homelessness statistics and organisations often struggle to assist them. That’s why the Pan-London Migrant Frontline Network (PLMFLN) provides information and knowledge to build the capacity of those working with homeless migrants across different support services.

“Praxis is committed to ensuring that no one is disadvantaged because of their immigration status.  Our work with the Frontline Network enables us to make sure that immigration issues are mainstreamed within the homelessness sector and that homelessness organisations and migrant organisations are better able to work together to end migrant homelessness.”

Bethan Lant, PLMFN Lead Facilitator

How the Network operates

Facilitated by Praxis, who are award-winning national experts on migrant rights, the PLMFLN enables collaboration in a number of ways, all designed to unpick and help understanding of issues in migrant homelessness. Examples of some of the Network’s core workstreams include:

  • Online and in person events exploring challenges in working with homeless migrants
  • Quarterly newsletter highlighting events and resources
  • Advocacy & campaigning to end migrant homelessness
  • Conferences bringing together experts across a range of issues
  • Provision of second-tier advice through our dedicated Slack channel

What members say about the Network

“Every session I have attended with the PLMFLN has made clear issues I am dealing with in my work…I am able to clarify difficult issues for my colleagues.”

“I always find these days very beneficial and inspiring in a very difficult sector. The sessions are all very different and useful and appropriate to our work.”

“I enjoy meeting others in similar situations and realising we’re struggling with similar issues.”

What the Network has achieved

  • Advocated to the UKVI Homelessness Escalations Service to provide a more effective channel for frontline workers to raise issues
  • Wrote a briefing on transition to eVisas raising key issues of concern to be addressed by the Home Office 

If you’re interested in the work of the Pan-London Migrant Frontline Network, or feel like you would like to participate to help you in your role, you can subscribe to their newsletter to receive information about upcoming events.

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