The Streetlife Trust facilitates the Blackpool, Wyre & Fylde Frontline Network to connect a community of staff and volunteers supporting people experiencing homelessness across the region.
Similarly to many seaside towns, national figures indicate that Blackpool experiences a high level of homelessness. This local network was established to include the neighbouring boroughs of Fylde & Wyre due to their close proximity and need for collaboration across public, statutory and third sector services.
“The Streetlife Trust has long been committed to working with local partners to prevent and resolve homelessness within our community. Our work with the Frontline Network supports us in bringing our collective resources, experience and passion together to coproduce on a strategic level via the homeless partnership, along with supporting frontline workers with free training, support and networking opportunities. We value the benefits of collaboration and know that together we are stronger in supporting the most vulnerable people in our community.”
Kim Hughes, Blackpool, Wyre & Fylde Frontline Network Coordinator
How the Network operates
The Blackpool, Wyre & Fylde Frontline Network brings people working in homelessness support services together to network, share best practice and resources. The region is rich in services and experience, and by bringing them all together, the Network increases local knowledge and improves outcomes.
Collaboration builds greater professional relationships, resulting in better outcomes for those receiving support. This is achieved via:
- A monthly newsletter containing of relevant local and national information
- Invitations to free upcoming training opportunities, both locally and online
- Inclusion in local network meetings to learn more about partner services and make vital contacts within the sector
- Updates from the national Frontline Network, including access to free training and the Training Fund
- Being a part of a community of inspirational people working towards the same goal
Sign up to receive future updates from the Blackpool, Fylde & Wyre Frontline Network.
What members say about the Network
“Really great best practice being shared across everyone in the room. Great to hear about all of the changes at DWP. Interesting to hear from different people in the room and discuss burnout.”
“Was very happy with the event – was great for networking and guidance.”
“Any event that promotes understanding about trauma and harm reduction is always a winner.”
“The whole event was inspiring and informative!”
What the Network has achieved
- The Blackpool, Wyre & Fylde Frontline Network plays a pivotal role in the Homeless Partnership, which brings service leaders together with the local authority in an operational capacity to feed into the Homelessness Strategy.
- The conduit between the network and partnership allows the sharing of Frontline Workers views when deciding the direction of the strategy and provides a forum for their voices to be heard. This is currently due to be reviewed in 2024/25 and there will be a period of consultation facilitated by the local Frontline Network.
If you’re interested in the work of the Blackpool, Wyre & Fylde Frontline Network, or feel like you would like to participate to help you in your role, you can subscribe to their newsletter to receive information about upcoming events.