“The African Refugee Community provides psycho-social assistance to asylum seekers, refugees and people who are destitute. We assist them in different contexts during their relocation processes in the UK. The African Refugee Community has been receiving VRF grants to support our service users for many years, and I have seen the positive impact that this financial support has had and continues to have on the relocation, rehabilitation, safety and general well-being of the beneficiaries. They are empowered and feel part of the UK society.
I feel connected to the charity and grateful for the support that we receive from St Martin’s and feel the need of offering my time to also contribute in a voluntary capacity to the useful, compassionate work that you do to help all human beings to feel part of the UK Society… It is a way to say thank you, a way to also help others who are facing hardship in different forms.
Many of the beneficiaries say thank you that the people at the Charity do not get to hear or see, but I am here to show you, and also to volunteer on their behalf…”