Regular Gift
People who are in crisis or sleeping rough on the streets need our support all year round. If you feel you can make a regular gift, you could help someone get back on their feet each month.
Each month, your gift could help get someone ID so they can rent a property.
Donate £10 -
Each month, your gift could help someone clear their rent arrears and avoid eviction.
Donate £20 -
Each month, your gift could help provide an urgent Vicar's Relief Fund grant for someone in need.
Donate £50 -
Other amount
Single Gift
No matter what time of year it is, your act of kindness could change someone’s life and show them that someone cares enough to be there in their hour of need.
Could fund one hour of specialist support with a psychologist to address someone's mental health needs.
Donate £50 -
Could provide five people with phones and credit so they can stay in touch and receive support from The Connection.
Donate £100 -
Could clear someone's arrears to prevent them being evicted from their home.
Donate £350 -
Could cover the required rent in advance and deposit for two people to move into their new homes.
Donate £750 -
Other amount