Lucy* received a grant from St Martin-in-the-Fields Charity to clear her debts, after fleeing a financially and physically abusive relationship. 

Lucy* was forced to leave the city she was living in for her own safety, when she fled an abusive relationship that had left her with a broken hip, amongst other injuries. Now far away from the perpetrator, and without a home, she took refuge in a shelter for women who have experienced domestic violence.  

Now safe, she can focus on recovering from the relationship, both physically and mentally. This involves finding her own independence, and her own home. However, there was a barrier to Lucy moving into her own accommodation – the financial abuse she suffered during the relationship left her with rent arrears, which meant she couldn’t access social housing.  

This is where St Martin-in-the-Fields Charity was able to help. Lucy’s support worker at the shelter was able to apply for a grant to clear her debts. Lucy is still recovering, but thanks to St Martin-in-the-Fields Charity’s generous supporters, she is in the process of bidding on a property and hopes to start her new chapter very soon.  

*Names have been changed to protect privacy

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