In this year’s Making a Difference presented by Hugh Dennis, we heard the stories of three people supported by the work of St Martin-in-the-Fields Charity. One of those people was Elvira, who was supported by Rowan Alba’s ‘Psychology in Hostels’ project. This project, in partnership with NHS Lothian, sees a clinical psychologist embedded into two hostels in Edinburgh, to support the people living there.
We know that mental health and homelessness so frequently go hand in hand, which is why we chose to fund this incredible project.
Tracey Stewart, Community Service Lead at Rowan Alba, spoke to Anita Riley on BBC Radio 4’s Women’s Hour on Friday 7th December about the impact this funding has had for the staff and residents. She highlighted how important it is for residents to have Sarah, the psychologist, present. It means not having to deal with waiting lists, speeding up psychological support, and it removes barriers, as it means the support comes to them in their own home. This is vital for people who are suffering with mental ill-health, and who may find the barriers of leaving home, travelling, and meeting a stranger in a foreign place much harder than others.
The impact this has had for residents is huge. For Elvira, having Sarah around has really helped her manage her complex-PTSD, and she hopes to be able to move on and live independently soon.
Listen to the full interview here at 22:20.